Source code for gcm_filters.kernels

Core smoothing routines that operate on 2D arrays.
import enum

from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict

from .gpu_compat import ArrayType, get_array_module

GridType = enum.Enum(

ALL_KERNELS = {}  # type: Dict[GridType, Any]

def _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(field):
    """Auxiliary function that prepares T-field for northern boundary exchanges on tripolar grid"""
    np = get_array_module(field)

    folded = field[..., [-1], :]  # grab northernmost row
    folded = folded[..., ::-1]  # mirror it
    field_extended = np.concatenate((field, folded), axis=-2)  # append it
    return field_extended

[docs]@dataclass class BaseScalarLaplacian(ABC): """Base class for scalar Laplacians.""" def prepare(self, field): return field def __call__(self, field): pass # pragma: no cover def finalize(self, field): return field # change to property when we are using python 3.9 # @classmethod def required_grid_args(self): try: return list(self.__annotations__) except AttributeError: return []
[docs]@dataclass class BaseVectorLaplacian(ABC): """Base class for vector Laplacians.""" def prepare(self, ufield, vfield): return (ufield, vfield) def __call__(self, ufield, vfield): pass # pragma: no cover def finalize(self, ufield, vfield): return (ufield, vfield) # change to property when we are using python 3.9 # @classmethod def required_grid_args(self): try: return list(self.__annotations__) except AttributeError: return []
[docs]@dataclass class AreaWeightedMixin(ABC): """Mixin to weight and deweight a field by the cell area. Attributes ---------- area: cell area """ area: ArrayType def prepare(self, field): return field * self.area def finalize(self, field): return field / self.area
[docs]@dataclass class RegularLaplacian(BaseScalarLaplacian): """̵Scalar Laplacian for regularly spaced Cartesian grids.""" is_dimensional = False def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(field) return ( -4 * field + np.roll(field, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(field, 1, axis=-1) + np.roll(field, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(field, 1, axis=-2) )
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.REGULAR] = RegularLaplacian
[docs]@dataclass class RegularLaplacianWithArea(AreaWeightedMixin, RegularLaplacian): """̵Scalar Laplacian operating on a locally orthogonal grid in three steps: 1. :py:meth:`prepare`: Field is multiplied by the cell area. This corresponds to transforming the field from the original locally orthogonal grid to a regularly spaced Cartesian grid with dx = dy = 1. 2. :meth:`__call__`: Laplacian acts on regular Cartesian grid. 3. :meth:`finalize`: Diffused field is divided by the cell area of the original grid. This corresponds to transforming the field from the regular Cartesian grid back to the original grid. Attributes ---------- area: cell area """ is_dimensional = False area: ArrayType pass
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.REGULAR_AREA_WEIGHTED] = RegularLaplacianWithArea
[docs]@dataclass class RegularLaplacianWithLandMask(BaseScalarLaplacian): """̵Scalar Laplacian for regularly spaced Cartesian grids with land mask. Attributes ---------- wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land """ is_dimensional = False wet_mask: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) self.wet_fac = ( np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(self.wet_mask, 1, axis=-1) + np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(self.wet_mask, 1, axis=-2) ) def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(field) out = np.nan_to_num(field) # set all nans to zero out = self.wet_mask * out out = ( -self.wet_fac * out + np.roll(out, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(out, 1, axis=-1) + np.roll(out, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(out, 1, axis=-2) ) out = self.wet_mask * out return out
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.REGULAR_WITH_LAND] = RegularLaplacianWithLandMask
[docs]@dataclass class RegularLaplacianWithLandMaskAndArea( AreaWeightedMixin, RegularLaplacianWithLandMask ): """̵Scalar Laplacian operating on a locally orthogonal grid with land mask in three steps: 1. :py:meth:`prepare`: Field is multiplied by the cell area. This corresponds to transforming the field from the original locally orthogonal grid to a regularly spaced Cartesian grid with dx = dy = 1. 2. :meth:`__call__`: Laplacian acts on regular Cartesian grid. 3. :meth:`finalize`: Diffused field is divided by the cell area of the original grid. This corresponds to transforming the field from the regular Cartesian grid back to the original grid. Attributes ---------- area: cell area wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land """ is_dimensional = False area: ArrayType wet_mask: ArrayType pass
ALL_KERNELS[ GridType.REGULAR_WITH_LAND_AREA_WEIGHTED ] = RegularLaplacianWithLandMaskAndArea
[docs]@dataclass class IrregularLaplacianWithLandMask(BaseScalarLaplacian): """Scalar Laplacian for locally orthogonal grids with land mask. It is possible to vary the filter scale over the domain by introducing a nondimensional "diffusivity" (attributes kappa_w and kappa_s). For reasons given in Grooms et al. (2021), we require that both kappa_w and kappa_s values must be <= 1 and that at least one of them is set to 1 somewhere in the domain. Otherwise the scale of the filter will not be equal to filter_scale anywhere in the domain. Attributes ---------- wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land dxw: x-spacing centered at western cell edge dyw: y-spacing centered at western cell edge dxs: x-spacing centered at southern cell edge dys: y-spacing centered at southern cell edge area: cell area kappa_w: zonal diffusivity centered at western cell edge, values must be <= 1, and at least one place in the domain must have kappa_w = 1 if kappa_s < 1. kappa_s: meridional diffusivity centered at southern cell edge, values must be <= 1, and at least one place in the domain must have kappa_s = 1 if kappa_w < 1. """ is_dimensional = True wet_mask: ArrayType dxw: ArrayType dyw: ArrayType dxs: ArrayType dys: ArrayType area: ArrayType kappa_w: ArrayType kappa_s: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) if np.any(self.kappa_w > 1.0): raise ValueError( f"There are kappa_w values > 1 and this can cause the filter to blow up." f"Please make sure all kappa_w are <=1." ) if np.any(self.kappa_s > 1.0): raise ValueError( f"There are kappa_s values > 1 and this can cause the filter to blow up." f"Please make sure all kappa_s are <=1." ) if not ( np.any(np.isclose(self.kappa_w, 1.0, rtol=0, atol=1e-05)) or np.any(np.isclose(self.kappa_s, 1.0, rtol=0, atol=1e-05)) ): raise ValueError( f"At least one place in the domain must have either kappa_w = 1 or kappa_s = 1. " f"Otherwise the filter's scale will not be equal to filter_scale anywhere in the domain." ) # derive wet mask for western cell edge from wet_mask at T points via # w_wet_mask(j,i) = wet_mask(j,i) * wet_mask(j,i-1) # note: wet_mask(j,i-1) corresponds to np.roll(wet_mask, +1, axis=-1) self.w_wet_mask = ( self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, 1, axis=-1) * self.kappa_w ) # derive wet mask for southern cell edge from wet_mask at T points via # s_wet_mask(j,i) = wet_mask(j,i) * wet_mask(j-1,i) # note: wet_mask(j-1,i) corresponds to np.roll(wet_mask, +1, axis=-2) self.s_wet_mask = ( self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, 1, axis=-2) * self.kappa_s ) def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(field) out = np.nan_to_num(field) wflux = ( (out - np.roll(out, 1, axis=-1)) / self.dxw * self.dyw ) # flux across western cell edge sflux = ( (out - np.roll(out, 1, axis=-2)) / self.dys * self.dxs ) # flux across southern cell edge wflux = wflux * self.w_wet_mask # no-flux boundary condition sflux = sflux * self.s_wet_mask # no-flux boundary condition out = np.roll(wflux, -1, axis=-1) - wflux + np.roll(sflux, -1, axis=-2) - sflux out = out / self.area return out
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.IRREGULAR_WITH_LAND] = IrregularLaplacianWithLandMask
[docs]@dataclass class MOM5LaplacianU(BaseScalarLaplacian): """Laplacian for MOM5 (velocity points). MOM5 uses a Northeast convention B-grid, where velocity point U(i,j) is NE of tracer point T(i,j). For information on MOM5 discretization see: Attributes __________ wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land dxt: width in x of T-cell, model diagnostic dxt dyt: height in y of T-cell, model diagnostic dyt dxu: width in x of U-cell, model diagnostic dxu dyu: height in y of U-cell, model diagnostic dyu area_u: area of U-cell, dxu*dyu """ is_dimensional = True wet_mask: ArrayType dxt: ArrayType dyt: ArrayType dxu: ArrayType dyu: ArrayType area_u: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) self.x_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-1) self.y_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-2) def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module() field = np.nan_to_num(field) fx = 2 * (np.roll(field, shift=-1, axis=-2) - field) fx /= np.roll(self.dxt, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(self.dxt, (-1, -1), axis=(0, 1)) fy = 2 * (np.roll(field, shift=-1, axis=-1) - field) fy /= np.roll(self.dyt, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(self.dyt, (-1, -1), axis=(0, 1)) fx *= self.x_wet_mask fy *= self.y_wet_mask out1 = 0.5 * fx * (self.dyu + np.roll(self.dyu, -1, axis=-2)) out1 -= ( 0.5 * np.roll(fx, 1, axis=-2) * (self.dyu + np.roll(self.dyu, 1, axis=-2)) ) out1 /= self.area_u out2 = 0.5 * fy * (self.dxu + np.roll(self.dxu, -1, axis=-1)) out2 -= ( 0.5 * np.roll(fy, 1, axis=-1) * (self.dxu + np.roll(self.dxu, 1, axis=-1)) ) out2 /= self.area_u return out1 + out2
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.MOM5U] = MOM5LaplacianU
[docs]@dataclass class MOM5LaplacianT(BaseScalarLaplacian): """Laplacian for MOM5 (tracer points). MOM5 uses a Northeast convention B-grid, where velocity point U(i,j) is NE of tracer point T(i,j). Attributes __________ For information on MOM5 discretization see: wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land dxt: width in x of T-cell, model diagnostic dxt dyt: height in y of T-cell, model diagnostic dyt dxu: width in x of U-cell, model diagnostic dxu dyu: height in y of U-cell, model diagnostic dyu area_t: area of T-cell, dxt*dyt """ is_dimensional = True wet_mask: ArrayType dxt: ArrayType dyt: ArrayType dxu: ArrayType dyu: ArrayType area_t: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) self.x_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-1) self.y_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-2) def __call__(self, field): np = get_array_module(field) field = np.nan_to_num(field) fx = 2 * (np.roll(field, -1, axis=-2) - field) fx /= self.dxu + np.roll(self.dxu, 1, axis=-1) fy = 2 * (np.roll(field, -1, axis=-1) - field) fy /= self.dyu + np.roll(self.dyu, 1, axis=-2) fx *= self.x_wet_mask fy *= self.y_wet_mask out1 = fx * 0.5 * (self.dyt + np.roll(self.dyt, -1, axis=-2)) out1 -= ( np.roll(fx, 1, axis=-2) * 0.5 * (self.dyt + np.roll(self.dyt, 1, axis=-2)) ) out1 /= self.area_t out2 = fy * 0.5 * (self.dxt + np.roll(self.dxt, -1, axis=-1)) out2 -= ( np.roll(fy, 1, axis=-1) * 0.5 * (self.dxt + np.roll(self.dxt, 1, axis=-1)) ) out2 /= self.area_t return out1 + out2
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.MOM5T] = MOM5LaplacianT
[docs]@dataclass class TripolarRegularLaplacianTpoint(AreaWeightedMixin, BaseScalarLaplacian): """Scalar Laplacian operating on a locally orthogonal grid with land mask and a tripole boundary. There are three steps: 1. :py:meth:`prepare`: Field is multiplied by the cell area. This corresponds to transforming the field from the original locally orthogonal grid to a regularly spaced Cartesian grid with dx = dy = 1. 2. :meth:`__call__`: Laplacian acts on regular Cartesian grid. 3. :meth:`finalize`: Diffused field is divided by the cell area of the original grid. This corresponds to transforming the field from the regular Cartesian grid back to the original grid. Attributes ---------- area: cell area wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land """ is_dimensional = False area: ArrayType wet_mask: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) # check that southernmost row of wet mask has only zeros if self.wet_mask[..., 0, :].any(): raise AssertionError("Wet mask requires zeros in southernmost row") wet_mask_extended = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.wet_mask) self.wet_fac = ( np.roll(wet_mask_extended, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(wet_mask_extended, 1, axis=-1) + np.roll(wet_mask_extended, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(wet_mask_extended, 1, axis=-2) ) # todo: inherit this operation from RegularLaplacianWithLandMask def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(field) data = np.nan_to_num(field) # set all nans to zero data = self.wet_mask * data data = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(data) out = ( -self.wet_fac * data + np.roll(data, -1, axis=-1) + np.roll(data, 1, axis=-1) + np.roll(data, -1, axis=-2) + np.roll(data, 1, axis=-2) ) # todo: inherit this operation from RegularLaplacianWithLandMask out = out[..., :-1, :] # disregard appended row out = self.wet_mask * out return out
[docs]@dataclass class POPTripolarLaplacianTpoint(BaseScalarLaplacian): """̵Scalar Laplacian for locally orthogonal grid with land mask and tripole boundary condition, as for example used in the global POP configuration. This Laplacian works for scalar fields located at T-points. Attributes ---------- wet_mask: Mask array, 1 for ocean, 0 for land; can be obtained via xr.where(KMT>0, 1, 0) dxe: x-spacing centered at eastern T-cell edge, provided by POP model diagnostic HUS(nlat, nlon) dye: y-spacing centered at eastern T-cell edge, provided by POP model diagnostic HTE(nlat, nlon) dxn: x-spacing centered at northern T-cell edge, provided by POP model diagnostic HTN(nlat, nlon) dyn: y-spacing centered at northern T-cell edge, provided by POP model diagnostic HUW(nlat, nlon) tarea: cell area, provided by POP model diagnostic TAREA(nlat, nlon) """ is_dimensional = True wet_mask: ArrayType dxe: ArrayType dye: ArrayType dxn: ArrayType dyn: ArrayType tarea: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask) # check that southernmost row of wet mask has only zeros if self.wet_mask[..., 0, :].any(): raise AssertionError("Wet mask requires zeros in southernmost row") # prepare grid information for northern boundary exchanges self.wet_mask = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.wet_mask) # note: extending the next 4 fields (dxe, dye, dxn, dyn) consistent with the tripolar geometry would actually require # some more complex mirroring than what _prepare_tripolar_exchanges does; but the following is sufficient because the way we # extend dxe, dye, dxn, dyn only affects filtered data in the nothernmost appended row, which we will disregard at the end of # the call routine; in other words: anything will do the job as long as we change the shape from (..., ny, nx) --> (..., ny+1, nx) self.dxe = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.dxe) self.dye = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.dye) self.dxn = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.dxn) self.dyn = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(self.dyn) # derive wet mask for eastern cell edge from wet_mask at T points via # e_wet_mask(j,i) = wet_mask(j,i) * wet_mask(j,i+1) # note: wet_mask(j,i+1) corresponds to np.roll(wet_mask, -1, axis=-1) self.e_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-1) # derive wet mask for northern cell edge from wet_mask at T points via # n_wet_mask(j,i) = wet_mask(j,i) * wet_mask(j+1,i) # note: wet_mask(j+1,i) corresponds to np.roll(wet_mask, -1, axis=-2) self.n_wet_mask = self.wet_mask * np.roll(self.wet_mask, -1, axis=-2) # check that northern edge grid data folds onto itself if not on land; # note: grid data goes crazy for POP model land points so we don't want to check for land points nx = np.shape(self.dxn)[-1] # number of longitudes or columns # grab second to last row since we have already appended one extra row first_half = np.where(self.n_wet_mask == 1, self.dxn, 0)[..., -2, : (nx // 2)] second_half = np.where(self.n_wet_mask == 1, self.dxn, 0)[..., -2, (nx // 2) :] if not np.all(first_half[..., ::-1] == second_half): raise AssertionError( "Northernmost row of dxn does not fold onto itself. This is a requirement for using a tripole boundary condition." ) first_half = np.where(self.n_wet_mask == 1, self.dyn, 0)[..., -2, : (nx // 2)] second_half = np.where(self.n_wet_mask == 1, self.dyn, 0)[..., -2, (nx // 2) :] # need np.allclose for dyn because there are small residuals for POP grid data # (for 0.1 degree POP grid, residuals are of order 1e-12 where dyn is order 1000 at northern boundary) if not np.allclose(first_half[..., ::-1], second_half): raise AssertionError( "Northernmost row of dyn does not fold onto itself. This is a requirement for using a tripole boundary condition." ) def __call__(self, field: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(field) data = np.nan_to_num(field) # set all nans to zero # prepare data for northern boundary exchanges data = _prepare_tripolar_exchanges(data) eflux = ( (np.roll(data, -1, axis=-1) - data) / self.dxe * self.dye ) # flux across eastern T-cell edge nflux = ( (np.roll(data, -1, axis=-2) - data) / self.dyn * self.dxn ) # flux across northern T-cell edge eflux = eflux * self.e_wet_mask # no-flux boundary condition nflux = nflux * self.n_wet_mask # no-flux boundary condition out = eflux - np.roll(eflux, 1, axis=-1) + nflux - np.roll(nflux, 1, axis=-2) out = out[..., :-1, :] # disregard appended row out = out / self.tarea return out
[docs]@dataclass class CgridVectorLaplacian(BaseVectorLaplacian): """̵Vector Laplacian on C-Grid. Follows The implementation for viscosity operators on C-grids suggested by Griffies and Hallberg, 2000. Attributes ---------- wet_mask_t: Mask array for t points, 1 for ocean, 0 for land wet_mask_q: Mask array for q (vorticity) points, 1 for ocean, 0 for land dxT: x-spacing centered at t points dyT: y-spacing centered at t points dxCu: x-spacing centered at u points dyCu: y-spacing centered at u points dxCv: x-spacing centered at v points dyCv: y-spacing centered at v points dxBu: x-spacing centered at q points dyBu: y-spacing centered at q points area_u: U-cell area area_v: V-cell area kappa_iso: isotropic viscosity kappa_aniso: additive anisotropic viscosity aligned with x-direction """ is_dimensional = True wet_mask_t: ArrayType wet_mask_q: ArrayType dxT: ArrayType dyT: ArrayType dxCu: ArrayType dyCu: ArrayType dxCv: ArrayType dyCv: ArrayType dxBu: ArrayType dyBu: ArrayType area_u: ArrayType area_v: ArrayType kappa_iso: ArrayType kappa_aniso: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.wet_mask_t) self.dx_dyT = self.dxT / self.dyT * self.wet_mask_t self.dy_dxT = self.dyT / self.dxT * self.wet_mask_t self.dx_dyBu = self.dxBu / self.dyBu * self.wet_mask_q self.dy_dxBu = self.dyBu / self.dxBu * self.wet_mask_q self.dx2h = self.dxT * self.dxT self.dy2h = self.dyT * self.dyT self.dx2q = self.dxBu * self.dxBu self.dy2q = self.dyBu * self.dyBu # compute reciprocal of areas while avoiding division by zero self.recip_area_u = np.where(self.area_u > 0, 1 / self.area_u, 0) self.recip_area_v = np.where(self.area_v > 0, 1 / self.area_v, 0) def __call__(self, ufield: ArrayType, vfield: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(ufield) ufield = np.nan_to_num(ufield) vfield = np.nan_to_num(vfield) dufield_dx = self.dy_dxT * ( ufield / self.dyCu - np.roll(ufield / self.dyCu, 1, axis=-1) ) dvfield_dy = self.dx_dyT * ( vfield / self.dxCv - np.roll(vfield / self.dxCv, 1, axis=-2) ) str_xx = dufield_dx - dvfield_dy # horizontal tension # multiply by isotropic viscosity + anisotropic contribution in x-direction str_xx = -(self.kappa_iso + 0.5 * self.kappa_aniso) * str_xx dvfield_dx = self.dy_dxBu * ( np.roll(vfield / self.dyCv, -1, axis=-1) - vfield / self.dyCv ) dufield_dy = self.dx_dyBu * ( np.roll(ufield / self.dxCu, -1, axis=-2) - ufield / self.dxCu ) str_xy = dvfield_dx + dufield_dy # horizontal shear strain str_xy = -self.kappa_iso * str_xy # multiply by isotropic viscosity u_component = ( 1 / self.dyCu * (self.dy2h * str_xx - np.roll(self.dy2h * str_xx, -1, axis=-1)) ) u_component += ( 1 / self.dxCu * (np.roll(self.dx2q * str_xy, 1, axis=-2) - self.dx2q * str_xy) ) u_component *= self.recip_area_u v_component = ( 1 / self.dyCv * (np.roll(self.dy2q * str_xy, 1, axis=-1) - self.dy2q * str_xy) ) v_component -= ( 1 / self.dxCv * (self.dx2h * str_xx - np.roll(self.dx2h * str_xx, -1, axis=-2)) ) v_component *= self.recip_area_v return (u_component, v_component)
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.VECTOR_C_GRID] = CgridVectorLaplacian
[docs]@dataclass class BgridVectorLaplacian(BaseVectorLaplacian): """̵Vector Laplacian on B-Grid. Implemented for viscosity operators on B-grids based on POP code. Assumes periodic boundary conditions. Attributes ---------- DXU: x-spacing centered at U points DYU: y-spacing centered at U points HUS: cell widths on south side of U cell HUW: cell widths on west side of U cell HTE: cell widths on east side of T cell HTN: cell widths on north side of T cell UAREA: U-cell area TAREA: T-cell area """ is_dimensional = True DXU: ArrayType DYU: ArrayType HUS: ArrayType HUW: ArrayType HTE: ArrayType HTN: ArrayType UAREA: ArrayType TAREA: ArrayType def __post_init__(self): np = get_array_module(self.DXU) # Derived quantities self.UAREA_R = 1 / self.UAREA self.TAREA_R = 1 / self.TAREA self.DXUR = 1 / self.DXU self.DYUR = 1 / self.DYU def __call__(self, ufield: ArrayType, vfield: ArrayType): np = get_array_module(ufield) ufield = np.nan_to_num(ufield) vfield = np.nan_to_num(vfield) # Constants c2 = 2 p5 = 0.5 # Calculate coefficients for the stencil without metric terms WORK1 = self.HUS / self.HTE DUS = ( WORK1 * self.UAREA_R ) # South coefficient of 5-point stencil for the Del**2 operator acting at U points DUN = ( np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-1) * self.UAREA_R ) # North coefficient of 5-point stencil WORK1 = self.HUW / self.HTN DUW = WORK1 * self.UAREA_R # West coefficient of 5-point stencil DUE = ( np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-2) * self.UAREA_R ) # East coefficient of 5-point stencil # Calculate coefficients for metric terms and for metric advection terms (KXU,KYU) KXU = ( np.roll(self.HUW, 1, axis=-2) - self.HUW ) * self.UAREA_R # defined in (3.24) of POP manual KYU = (np.roll(self.HUS, 1, axis=-1) - self.HUS) * self.UAREA_R WORK1 = (self.HTE - np.roll(self.HTE, -1, axis=-2)) * self.TAREA_R # KXT WORK2 = p5 * (WORK1 + np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-1)) DXKX = (np.roll(WORK2, 1, axis=-2) - WORK2) * self.DXUR WORK2 = p5 * (WORK1 + np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-2)) DYKX = (np.roll(WORK2, 1, axis=-1) - WORK2) * self.DYUR WORK1 = (self.HTN - np.roll(self.HTN, -1, axis=-1)) * self.TAREA_R # KYT WORK2 = p5 * (WORK1 + np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-2)) DYKY = (np.roll(WORK2, 1, axis=-1) - WORK2) * self.DYUR WORK2 = p5 * (WORK1 + np.roll(WORK1, 1, axis=-1)) DXKY = (np.roll(WORK2, axis=-2, shift=1) - WORK2) * self.DXUR DUM = -( DXKX + DYKY + c2 * (KXU * KXU + KYU * KYU) ) # central coefficient for metric terms that do not mix U,V DMC = ( DXKY - DYKX ) # central coefficient of 5-point stencil for the metric terms that mix U,V # Calculate the central coefficient for metric mixing terms that mix U,V DME = (c2 * KYU) / ( self.HTN + np.roll(self.HTN, axis=-2, shift=1) ) # East coefficient of 5-point stencil for the metric terms that mix U,V DMN = -(c2 * KXU) / ( self.HTE + np.roll(self.HTE, axis=-1, shift=1) ) # North coefficient of 5-point stencil DUC = -(DUN + DUS + DUE + DUW) # central coefficient of 5-point stencil DMW = -DME # West coefficient of 5-point stencil DMS = -DMN # East coefficient of 5-point stencil # Compute the horizontal diffusion of momentum am = 1 cc = DUC + DUM u_component = am * ( cc * ufield + DUN * np.roll(ufield, -1, axis=-2) + DUS * np.roll(ufield, 1, axis=-2) + DUE * np.roll(ufield, -1, axis=-1) + DUW * np.roll(ufield, 1, axis=-1) + DMC * vfield + DMN * np.roll(vfield, -1, axis=-2) + DMS * np.roll(vfield, 1, axis=-2) + DME * np.roll(vfield, -1, axis=-1) + DMW * np.roll(vfield, 1, axis=-1) ) v_component = am * ( cc * vfield + DUN * np.roll(vfield, -1, axis=-2) + DUS * np.roll(vfield, 1, axis=-2) + DUE * np.roll(vfield, -1, axis=-1) + DUW * np.roll(vfield, 1, axis=-1) + DMC * ufield + DMN * np.roll(ufield, -1, axis=-2) + DMS * np.roll(ufield, 1, axis=-2) + DME * np.roll(ufield, -1, axis=-1) + DMW * np.roll(ufield, 1, axis=-1) ) return (u_component, v_component)
ALL_KERNELS[GridType.VECTOR_B_GRID] = BgridVectorLaplacian
[docs]def required_grid_vars(grid_type: GridType): """Utility function for figuring out the required grid variables needed by each grid type. Parameters ---------- grid_type : GridType The grid type Returns ------- grid_vars : list A list of names of required grid variables. """ laplacian = ALL_KERNELS[grid_type] return laplacian.required_grid_args()